Caffè Vero® - Coffee Beans

Caffè Vero® - Grounded Coffee

Caffè Vero® - My Chocolate

How many calories are in a cup of coffee?
Depending on the type of coffee you are drinking, the number of calories will differ significantly. Adding extras such as milk, sugar and syrup will all directly affect the calorie content of a coffee. A standard cup of black coffee (around 8oz) contains 1 calorie, but a cappuccino for example can contain anywhere from 60 to 160 calories, depending on the type of milk you take and the size of the cappuccino. For a low-calorie coffee, switch the sugar to sweeteners, and switch full milk to skim or soy (or cut out the milk altogether!).
Is coffee bad for you?
Coffee can have a lot of positive effects on the body. Its health benefits include reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, improving the resting metabolic rate, and can even reduce the risk of certain types of cancers. Coffee can help ward off cognitive decline and boost long-term memory, and even reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. As well as these physical effects, coffee contains a large number of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamins B2, B3 and B5.
Can you drink coffee while pregnant?
You can drink coffee while you are pregnant, although it is recommended to limit the amount of caffeine you consume to around 200mg – which is about the equivalent of two mugs of coffee. Drinking more than this while pregnant could increase the risk of miscarriage, or having a baby with low birth weight. Ultimately, the decision to consume caffeine is up to you, but you can cut it down by switching to decaffeinated drinks and having smaller cups of coffee.
What makes a good coffee?
Good coffee ultimately comes down to taste – but there will be some who tell you that there are certain ways to make a coffee perfect. The trick is to buy your own beans and grind them when necessary, as coffee beans can go stale if they have been open too long and the taste of ground beans can change over time. If you live somewhere with hard water, like in London, buying water filters helps to ensure a smooth coffee, and to keep an eye on the temperature and brewing time, as coffee can be burnt easily. Coffee also tastes what it has been brewed in, so a clean coffee maker is always essential. Of course, you don’t need to buy your own beans and grind them, as you may prefer the coffee you buy regularly, but coffee beans are renowned for tasting better.